Not everybody can take Viagra type drugs and it’s probably best to see your doctor first before taking them. They are commonly used to help men who suffer with erectile dysfunction, though any type of guy may take them to improve their love life in a variant of different ways.
The effects of the drug can last between 4 – 6 hours depending on the product taken, and if it lasts any longer than the stated time and shows no signs of decline then you should probably see a doctor.
The brands available are Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra, with Cialis being the strongest of the 3 offering an hour or two extra erection time.
Some people may worry that they are not safe and may cause problems, so you have a choice not to take them; if you want to perform though and can’t get an erection or maintain it for long and prefer a more natural remedy then there are quite a few available, ranging from the placebo types, herbal and applied.
The natural treatments/remedies available are L-Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Cordyceps, L-Tyrosine, and Korean Red Ginseng.